Getting To Know All About You!
Name: Danielle Dawn Wolsey
1. I am infatuated with Dill Pickles.
2. But not all Dill Pickles are equal... they have to be "The King Pickle" kind... nice and sour!
3. I am apparently not immune to morning sickness... I have been sick for 6 or so weeks... give or take a few days.
4. I hate feeling sick... even more so throwing up.
5. I love feeling handy and needed... being useful but not used.
6. When I was little I tried to "run away" and made it to the backyard... turned around and crawled back through the window and went back to sleep.
7. I have moved over 27 times in my life...
8. apparently I like change...
9. I love to cook and it bugs me that I cant right now since I cannot handle the smell or standing for that long.
10. I have a lazy eye... Ryan thinks it is a really cool party trick!
11. When I go to sleep it has to be completely silent and dark.
12. I despise doing dishes by hand but I love my dishwasher.
13. I solve problems backwards... I find the solution I want and work from finish to start... "60% of the time it works every time".
14. I love watching movies and I quote them frequently... see above quote!
15. I haven't had a full soda since I have been pregnant this is HUGE for me!
16. I love surprising people... but cannot usually wait to surprise them... I am getting better at not ruining the surprise.
17. I hate being cold... no matter how many layers I put on I still seem to feel cold if it is cold outside.
18. I am madly in love with my husband.. but I am sure you all already knew this.
19. I am very possessive of my hair... I hate short hair and have gotten my hair cut by the same person since I was 12... my aunt.
20. I love traditions... I come from a family that has lots of them and married a man who has almost none of them... we are still finding middle ground on holidays.
21. I love being out doors and exploring... hiking is one of my favorites!
22. I get flashbacks all of the time of places I have been and things I have done throughout my life... this happens at least once a day.
23. I love to travel and since I cannot go as far away as I can to see things I have never seen I watch the travel channel... a lot!
24. I get excited when the Ensign comes in the mail and read it all within the first two days of receiving it.
25. If I have a hard time falling to sleep I write letters, poems, songs and blogs even... in my head... for some reason I always tell myself I will remember them in the morning... but they are never as eloquent as they were the night before.