Olivia VS The Tissue Paper
Little Miss Olivia Mae The Giggle Queen
Well this is Olivia's Six Months stats:
- 15.6 lbs
- 75% for height (26 inches) and head circumferences
- Putting sounds together like "th", "da" and many many raspberries!
- She has not started crawling YET but rolls all over and very fast!
- Olivia now sits up all on her own and sits in the shopping cart without her car seat
- Her favorite things to play with are anything with buttons, lights and shiny parts on it... aside from her fascination with electronics she is madly in love with her play piano, bunny and any body part of Zoe... nose, ears, pretty much anything she can hang on to.
- She has a very sweet personality and loves showing affection! She gives a big smile and grabs your face then buries her head in your neck... very sweet!