Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Double Stroller = One Of The Greatest Days Of My Life!

So recently my Mother In Law offered to buy us a Double Stroller as a gift... and today was the day we got it in the mail! It was like Christmas at our house and I felt like a little kid again tearing into this massive box that was so wonderfully placed at our front door. I have received some wonderful gifts in my life but this one... easily sits at the top for sooo many reasons...biggest reason... FREEDOM!!! I can now leave the house while my hubby is at work and NOT squeeze my two little ones into the single stroller. My baby wrap has been a huge saving grace with the single stroller and two little girls BUT unfortunately I cant always depend on my wrap when out and about... shopping for new clothes was VERY difficult and a sight to be seen haha.

 Our MASSIVE present!!

 My overly curious daughter checkin it out
 Our first test ride...
 After all was said and done... this is what kept her occupied for a least an hour... simple pleasures!


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